Relational Sanity Pt 7: We can’t make people love us, or even act decently towards us, so why even try?

approvalIt is a difficult thing, dealing with people who hurt others so casually that they don’t even remember the things they have done (or perhaps they do remember and just don’t care enough to admit it) but, like many things in life, their cruelty is absolutely out of our control.

I see people on a regular basis, struggling for significance in the eyes of people who have absolutely no desire to love them, validate them, or even be decent to them. And that was me, for many years, so I do absolutely understand the need for approval. So what changed? I took a good hard look at the people who do this, the ones who I called “runaway freight trains” in my last blog post, and started asking myself:

“Great googly moogly, why on earth would I want the approval of anyone who is so casually callous?”

And more importantly, “Why would I want to continue to give this person free reign to marginalize me in this game of theirs that only they determine the rules of?”

The truth is that too often we willingly place our mental health into the hands of liars, manipulators and people who just generally have no conscience left.

You have to know me, I can still remember the three really cruel things I did to people in elementary school. I don’t hurt people so casually that I forget about it, and that is an excellent thing (even though I used to see it as a curse) because it keeps me from speaking my opinions, doing whatever it is I want to do, and lashing out every time I get in the flesh.  It isn’t that I don’t still do those things from time to time, but my conscience tortures me afterward. I simply cannot imagine hurting someone and forgetting it – unless I said something that was taken the wrong way and the person didn’t tell me, but that isn’t really forgetting, that is just not realizing what I did to hurt someone. (Which is why it is good to confront people when they seem to say something out of character, because we all say idiotic things from time to time that sounded better in our heads)

But not everyone is like that and in fact for many people, the feelings of others don’t even register as an afterthought because they are utterly irrelevant. Oftentimes this happens when a person is so assured that they are right, and in right standing, that they do not question themselves or their actions – like King Saul. And there is nothing that anyone can do to change that. Some people enjoy being self-satisfied, so confident in their rightness that they are not even willing to question themselves in private — or perhaps they did long ago but decided to push away their doubts, searing their consciences to the point where they really are no longer able to see or care about their wrongs. If this is the case, then the person is no longer even worth our pity, and certainly not our continued support, and definitely not worth being in contact with! After all, they have ammunition, and they have diligently trained themselves to fire it off — do we really owe it to them to stand close enough to make it easy?

Unless we are small children, a relationship with this sort of person really is our own choice, and we have the power to step out of it. But the first step is giving up the fight to make ourselves more lovable to that person, because wanting their love, their approval or their repentance puts them in the position of having authority over our peace and happiness. It is tantamount to knowingly submitting to a wicked tyrant and trying to win him over by playing the game by his rules. Unfortunately, people like this have no respect for those who not only willingly play their game, but who also allow them to win every time! They merely tolerate the person, who has become nothing more than an outlet for their continued cruelty. Loving a person is different than trying to gain their love. We are required to love, but nowhere does scripture tell us to go out and win someone at any cost – it is a pursuit rooted in selfishness. Yes, even when it is simply a child desperately wanting the love their parent refuses to give, not selfish in terms of being evil or malicious, but simply centered in meeting one’s own needs. In this life, we oftentimes have to go without those things we desire, and sometimes we don’t get what we need because the only person who can give it refuses to do so.

Just think about it – say you are in a church with a pastor like this, or an adult child of a parent like this. A parishoner can always walk away from the abuse, just as an adult can walk away from a parent – but when the parishoner stays, they are giving their approval that leadership should function in this way, and when the adult goes back under the authority of an abusive parent, they also are giving their consent to the abuse. Tell me, why on earth would an abuser stop abusing when the object of their abuse gives them permission and opportunity to do so? If the abuser is callous enough to hurt people without caring, why would they see this situation as anything other than confirmation that they are right? As long as people stay and tolerate it, the abuser is going to feel as though they are in the right and justified to continue (that being said, if everyone leaves, they might simply say that it is the devil attacking them, but you can’t do anything about people’s delusions – such people who are callous about the feelings of others are generally hypersensitive about themselves to the point of paranoia, which is why they attract enablers around them to feel misplaced sympathy).

The truth is, that as much as we would love for the person to see our patience and kindness and respond by feeling badly about what they are doing, we give them no reason to question themselves (even if they wanted to). Our patience and kindness generally amounts to enablement, and turning a blind eye while others are abused by this same person. It is a bad enough thing to quietly tolerate our own abuse, but to ignore the cries of others? This is when we become oppressors by proxy, why? Just to get the abuser to be nice to us. That is too high a price tag for approval.

The epistles tell us repeatedly that the leaders of the church (and by extension, parents and bosses and really all leaders) are to be our example for godly behavior, that we should in fact imitate them. But what do we do when their behavior should not be imitated? Do we stay and give our silent approval? Do we have the right, with our continued presence, to send a message to others that this is in fact the way a leader should treat the Body of Messiah? Brethren, there are a great many ways to bring the Name of God to vain in this world, and one of the worst ways we do it is by behaving abusively or following those who do. We do not have the right to drag the Name of God through the dirt by following evil, arrogant men and women who slaughter the flock and don’t even look back, or remember. Until we start caring more about the reputation of our King than we do about getting along with those who have no desire to love, we will continue to do violence to His Word and His character.

People don’t change behavior that is coddled and encouraged – why should they?

In closing I will say this, we are going to be rejected and abused in this life and we have to learn to expect it, but before we go feeling betrayed and wounded we need to take a good hard look at who it is who is hurting us. Is that person good or evil, are they an encourager or someone who ignores everything good you do and only harps on the mistakes?  Is the person only ever present in any real way when the opportunity is there to humiliate you? Are they only kind to you when you approve of the evil they do to others? Are they volatile? Can their favor be bought with money? Is this person the same in private as in public? Do they hold their loved ones to different standards than they hold you to? If the person who has done evil to you is evil, then rejoice. You do not want the approval of that type of person, because the approval of an evil person is generally only given if they see some evil in you to approve of. Their disapproval speaks more highly of you than their approval ever would anyway.

The truth is, that we spend far too much time seeking the approval of the very people whose disapproval should be a badge of honor.


Relational Sanity Pt 2: Stop throwing your pearls!

Had a bad dream last night.


I was with a group of people who I love very much. And in their eyes, I couldn’t do anything right. Whatever I said was wrong. People who should have been supportive were critical. I was in a no win situation, and I decided to make it worse by getting angry about it, and by getting resentful. No matter what I did, even if it was what they wanted from me, it wasn’t good enough. The feeling I had inside was hopeless and excruciating because I knew that no matter what I did, it would never be good enough for them. But I got so angry and hurt, and I was so overcome by my powerlessness to be good enough, that I ruined the food I was preparing, perfectly good food, but my focus was on people who could not be pleased.


I am taking the warning for exactly what it is. In the dream, I started out preparing the food they wanted from me, which was not clean, and far later in the dream I ruined the good food in my anger. Their reaction was the same no matter what I was giving them — no matter how hard I was trying and no matter how badly I wanted them to love, accept or understand me.


Here’s the deal. I ruined that good food because I wanted something that others were not willing to give me. And from time to time we have to take stock of our lives and see that there are going to be people in our lives for whom nothing will ever be good enough. It is going to hurt, but when it happens we have a choice to make. Are we going to focus on gaining that approval, which we will never have unless they do the hard work of changing, or are we going to keep our focus on God?


It’s one of the hardest lessons in life, persevering through disapproval. But it is one of the things we must learn to do before we can even hope to call ourselves mature. It’s okay to want to be approved of if it drives us towards doing what is good, but it’s not okay to seek approval when it is not within our power to get it or when it pushes us towards doing evil.


There are people in our lives who are always going to be…. well…. swine. We toss what is precious to us at them, hoping they will see and admire it, and they turn and trample our precious things and then tear us to shreds. But in general, we knew that they would do it when we tossed those pearls. We knew it. And we did it anyway, treating those people like mini-gods, like idols — like somehow their approval was worth having.



But no matter how much we love people, if they are determined not to approve of us and if nothing we do will ever be good enough then we have to take stock of the situation.


Do we have a relationship with those people or do we have a house of cards built out of hopes, dreams, and wishful thinking? And why do we want the approval of the sort of person who does not wish to approve of us? There is a big difference between someone who wants to approve, but because of the way we are living, cannot. That is understandable. But this desire to have approval from people who are, for all intents and purposes, bullies (whether they mean to be or not) – it’s putting our focus on something unrighteous and it can be a form of idolatry. Unrighteous because it clouds our vision and makes us compromise, like kicking against a rock wall with your bare foot. The wall might be amused with your efforts, might enjoy the attention, but will probably just end up complaining about the mess your blood is making on its pristine stones.  Idolatry because we have to take our focus off of our Heavenly Father in order to concentrate on them.


It isn’t their absolute obligation in life to approve of us, or agree with us, or even tolerate us — and they know it. They know it.  That knowledge gives them power and authority over us if we allow it.  And sometimes even when it is their obligation to love us, they recognize the autonomy that gives them the right not to. They aren’t puppets, and they realize that they have the right to deny us all the things we want them to give.  When we persist, we are feeding our energy into a power game that we hold none of the pieces to.  They are going to win the game, unless we stop playing.


So when will we figure it out?