When Someone is in Error: Our Example in Priscilla, Aquila, and Apollos

I had a dream last night about the most precious saint, one trying to teach something on the internet, about the Bible, that she just didn’t understand. Her heart, however, was so right on and her fruit very good. Let me start from the beginning:

I was on social media going over my newsfeed when this sweet little mini-teaching came to my attention:

“Shrimp isn’t food! We can’t eat shrimp! But don’t worry, there is plenty of crab to go around and it’s even better.”

Somehow, in the dream, her tone and heart came across crystal clear in the presentation. Her name was foreign, I am betting African, very exotic and beautiful to my mind, but I couldn’t have reproduced it on paper if my life depended on it. I was about to click on her name so I could gently correct her in private before the internet vultures descended to call her names and humiliate her publicly when I clicked the wrong thing, or the screen refreshed all on its own, and *poof* her post was gone and I couldn’t find her. I sat there, just sick at heart about what was about to happen to this woman with the beautiful spirit. I woke up and went to prayer about it.

I knew this woman had received an incomplete teaching herself, obviously. She certainly wasn’t wrong on purpose. I wasn’t sure if she had just seen a meme with shrimp on it, saying it wasn’t food, and took it at face value as being the only outlawed crustacean now, or if someone had seen a pic of her on social media eating it and had laid into her and really didn’t teach her, or what. What I knew was that she didn’t have all of the information she needed for understanding, and certainly not the understanding to teach. We see it all the time on social media, right? Folks lambasting people about what they are doing wrong, but not really providing a complete teaching, or even trying to impart understanding. And we certainly don’t see the social media critics sticking around to make sure people are equipped to go on with life after they receive a disembodied tidbit of information about this or that Torah Law. They are critics who go around looking to correct, not teachers looking to impart understanding. She knew that shrimp was not food. She believed it with her whole heart. She obviously didn’t even know exactly why it isn’t something that the Bible would call food. Perhaps she didn’t even understand that when the NT says the word food, that it is in an OT context, that the Bible painstakingly defines the word food, that all food has always been clean (despite the belief of the Pharisees that one could defile perfectly good food with unwashed hands), and that no additions or subtractions were made by Yeshua/Jesus in what qualifies as food, once the context of the first-century controversies is taken into account. This delightful lady wanted to obey God, n’est-ce pas? Of course! Someone convicted her of eating shrimp and she went up to the mountaintop to lovingly inform others – and make no mistake, her delivery was loving. God can do much with such a lovely heart as hers. I honestly felt very maternal feelings for her, she was so genuine.

But I lost track of her! She was about to reap a potential harvest of public correction, humiliation, name-calling, and – worst of all – she didn’t know enough to answer questions she would get from people who did not agree. Of all the things I ever learned in Church that offends me the most, it was the idea that new believers should be out preaching before they have been properly equipped. It has resulted in many precious babes landing right in the mouths of wolves who destroyed them before they even had a chance to mature. Eagerness without the knowledge to back it up isn’t so much zeal as a recipe for disaster. We have a responsibility to instruct new saints to hang back in humility while they become strong enough to be suitable guides for others.

And what about the person who “taught” her or those who were undoubtedly about to hunt her down over the coming catastrophic crab crisis? What is the responsibility now that she has it wrong? What model is provided by the Scriptures? We find it in Acts 18:

24 Now a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent man, competent in the Scriptures. 25 He had been instructed in the way of the Lord. And being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, though he knew only the baptism of John. 26 He began to speak boldly in the synagogue, but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately. (ESV)

(Just FYI, the image I used for the thumbnail is actually a marble floor from ancient Ephesus – perhaps our intrepid Bible heroes and heroine set foot upon those stones.)

“He knew only the baptism of John” – so his understanding, if anything, was merely incomplete. Like the lovely young lady in my dream. She obviously had the good fruit down, which requires the kind of knowledge that scholars cannot impart to anyone and has to instead be grown by the Holy Spirit, but her knowledge was incomplete. What did Priscilla and Aquila do? Did they interrupt the teaching, call him names, label him as a false teacher? After all, as Roman Jews, they had been recently expelled by Claudius from their home in the early 50’s and were probably in a bad mood. They knew the Scriptures and here was this young upstart with a pagan name, despite all his eloquence. He had something wrong, which obviously made him a heretic according to the by-laws of the First National Church of Facebook and its sister denomination, First Assemblies of Twitter. By those unwritten rules of conduct, they had every right to make a series of internet videos denouncing him as a moron and an idiot, calling his motivations and integrity into question, and telling everyone to listen to them instead. But what did they actually do?

“They took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.” Wow, so little drama. Taking him aside meant two things – they recognized the need not only to instruct, but also to protect his honor among those whom he had been teaching. Also, they saw that his lack of knowledge was not a character flaw – someone had relayed to him an incomplete picture, and probably because they themselves had been given an incomplete understanding. It happens. At its core, this story is about treating each other like brothers and sisters, about those who actually have a MORE COMPLETE understanding stepping in to gently instruct those whose understanding is LESS COMPLETE. This is not what happens on social media, where most correction is public, brutal, and given by those who actually know very little yet look for every opportunity to look like experts by being the sheriff of that one bit of information. On social media, people treat an incomplete understanding as though it is a character flaw! As though knowledge is what we worship, instead of a relational God who is teaching and enabling us to be His image-bearers, and was even willing to send His one unique Son to die on the Cross to make it happen.

Priscilla and Aquila were Jewish believers – they grew up with the milk of Torah and evidently had the maturity to stomach the meat of the weightier matters as well. They were mature believers, eminently qualified to teach both from the standpoint of knowledge and maturity of fruit. They modeled for us the proper way to correct – not tearing one another down publicly over genuine lapses in understanding, but guarding the reputation of the one being corrected, instructing in such a way as to not become stumbling blocks to a brother whom God has called, and with the goal of having their brother be able to be more, and not less, able to minister afterward. If they had handled the situation in our modern social media way, the incident would have resulted in an angry schism within the crowd, some following after Apollos and some going after Priscilla and Aquila. Apollos, by the ancient ways of honor and shame culture, would have had to fire back insults in order to undermine their character, in an attempt to get his standing before the crowd back. Instead of building God’s Kingdom together, they would have divided it into two separate camps. We see people trying to do this very thing in I Cor 1 – but Apollos, Peter, and Paul were having none of it!

So, when we see someone in error, we have to make sure that we (1) have enough knowledge to correct, and that means we have done the hard study ourselves and haven’t just watched youtube videos or consulted Rabbi Google or Pastor Yahoo, (2) take the person aside privately and gently to better instruct them, and (3) make sure that we guard their honor jealously so that we do not create schizms or make it so that no one will want to listen to them in the areas where they are right. Doing this wrong, and unbiblically according to the New Creation model, results in damage to the Kingdom, not a strengthening of it. In the beatitudes, Yeshua preached a radical new option to the old honor/shame paradigm – one that made gentleness, mercy, peacefulness, and meekness the traits worthy of honor, as opposed to the ruthlessness required by the public battles for honor practiced by the Pharisees, Scribes, Sadducees, and the rest of the ancient world.

I am reminded that Yeshua/Jesus preached that a good shepherd will leave the ninety-nine in order to go after the one and bring it home. I find it very telling that the good shepherd does not bring the ninety-nine along as an audience in order to correct that lost one publicly. If the good shepherd is that solicitous of the needs and dignity of one lost one, how much more so should we respect a brother or sister who is simply wrong about something?


In Error or in Disagreement?

errorAnyone who has studied and taught knows this frustration all too well.

“I just heard your teaching on X, and I am sorry but you are in error on this issue.”

“Oh, did you study my sources? I gave my sources, I’ve been studying this for a long time now and I would like to hear why you think I am in error.”

“The Bible says you are in error, and when I heard your teaching, the Spirit within me rose up in anger.”

(Here is where the conversation gets dangerous because you have to let the “spirit” comment go by as if it never happened – most folks attribute their own offense to be the leading of the Spirit and if you disagree with them, then they make it into a proclamation that you are saying they aren’t hearing from the Spirit, which generally they don’t nearly as often as they think they do – but we’ve all been there, right?)

“The Bible is one of my sources, please show me where it disagrees with what I teach because I certainly don’t want to be unbiblical.”

At this point they either will or will not agree to show you. Sometimes they will show you something out of context, and if you try and insert context they will reject it because the Holy Spirit “teaches them all they need to know” (again, this is a conversation ender). Sometimes they will outright refuse and just tell you that you need to study or listen to X’s teaching on that subject. I like to ask people what they have studied on the matter, and if all they can say is that they got their doctrines through Bible reading and prayer, or by listening to other people I just let it go. It’s a Catch 22. I read the Bible, and I pray, and I listen to other people but time and time again it has been my experience that the Counselor only tells me things that I need to hear and nothing that I want to hear. Who needs a counselor to tell them what they already believe? The Spirit restrains me, more often than not, and quenches my offense, more often than not, and rebukes me, more often than not.

But the problem here doesn’t simply lie in attributing everything to the Holy Spirit, the biggest problem is in not being willing (still, even after having been wrong so many times on so many things for so many years) to first consider the possibility that we are the ones in error, and that we are simply in disagreement with the other person.

I have a mentor who recently taught me something I did not like, and a spirit of offense rose up in me immediately. Not a violent one, but definitely an unhappy feeling inside. I heard them out and my biggest problem wasn’t disagreeing, but in agreeing that their evidence really only led in one direction and it was a direction that my flesh hated because it went against everything that I had ever been taught about it. But as I heard the evidence it was like, “Oh gosh this hurts but I can’t argue with their logic or evidence other than to cite what I have always been taught and bad english language translations.”

It hurt like it hurt to hear that the Law was never done away with. Cutting flesh away hurt badly. To be honest, it hurts right now even just thinking about it. If I didn’t respect their decades of study, I would toss it out the window, but here is a person of proven track record and character and I know that they don’t just put stuff out there lightly – especially stuff that challenges paradigms. In this society today, few are willing to consider the possibility that the reason they don’t agree with such and such teacher is because they haven’t spent the same amount of hours studying. We want everything to be easy – we want to read a quick blurb on an internet site and be experts, or we want to spend some time in prayer and have the Spirit reveal everything to us when most of us are more than capable of spending some time studying if we wanted to.  But in this area, although I haven’t read all of their sources, the Bible did back them up – and I only knew this because a completely separate teacher had shown me a translation problem years ago. I was stuck attributing my offense to the flesh, even though I wanted it to be the Spirit.

So I sent them a note that read something like this, “I don’t like this teaching, it is messing with what I have always been taught and my flesh is screaming – BUT, the reason I hate it most is because everything you have presented, along with everything I read in the word is backing up what you are saying. It’s going to take me a long time to deal with this, but I want you to know that I am struggling with it and certainly not disregarding it just because it offends me.”

Paradigms don’t shatter easily, and we always have to be on guard against our flesh – which doesn’t want to change, not ever. Our flesh likes to reside in this fantasy world of “knowing it all” and “not being challenged because we know it all.” Unfortunately, I don’t know it all, and whenever that is made apparent my flesh is going to remind me that it isn’t going to change without a fight – and my flesh will try to masquerade as the Holy Spirit every single time, masking my offense in mock holiness.

As a teacher, it is incredibly frustrating to me when people disagree without having studied, or without having studied legitimate sources, or who mistake their own discomfort for the leading of the Spirit – but it is all part of the job. People want to be heard, people want to be authorities, people want to retain their beliefs – no different than when we were all sitting in the pews in Sunday churches. We really aren’t as different from them as we like to think we are – challenge our deeply held paradigms and we will react in exactly the same way they do.

Defensively and pridefully.


Developing Godly Character Pt 2: Wanting to be wrong

Well, none of us actually WANT to be wrong but it is a very healthy thing to be willing to be exposed as wrong.  People who cannot (in their own minds) be wrong are very dangerous and when that is coupled with the ministry it can be deadly.


Imagine a parent never admitting error, or a teacher, or a doctor, or (insert profession here).


A parent who does not admit error is a parent who will never apologize, never exhibit humility, and who will invariably pass on lies to their children.  As the child grows, he will begin to notice errors and will lose respect for the parent.  Worse comes to worse, the child will exhibit the same behaviors as an adult.


A teacher who does not admit error will lead people astray, unable to even conceive of being wrong.  They will not learn, and they will squash any dissenters, as well as those who ask the really good questions.


A doctor who does not admit error can and will endanger, sicken and kill people.


A minister who does not admit error will do all of the above on a far more serious scale – an eternal scale.


There are a ton of anointed people out there, but the anointing doesn’t come with infallibility.  In fact, if anything, the anointing can often exacerbate a person’s failings.  Those to whom much is given are going to be put through the wringer, and they will either come out humbled and cleaner or twisted.  And the difference between the two outcomes comes down to a willingness to admit fallibility.  Not in the theoretical but in the actual.


I have issues that need fixed.  I will never be perfect this side of eternity,  I will always be subject to sin.  When I am compromised emotionally, I will always be susceptible to doing evil.


And being fallible bothers me, but I can’t deny it.  And I can’t allow my embarrassment over it to get in the way of getting it exposed and dealt with.  I can’t lash out at the people who notice what I am doing and call me on it.  I can’t blame them for seeing the things my behavior made obvious.  My faults are not their fault.


So I screw up.  And then I have to let people tell me that I screwed up.  And then I have to apologize.  Although, in general, God Himself tells me I have screwed up almost right away.  But it wasn’t always like that — it used to be that I didn’t want to hear it and people had to tell me.


So what changed?  I had to start caring about the people around me more than I cared about the illusion of being right.  I could fool myself, but no one else was fooled.  Once I realized that, all my pretending seemed pretty ludicrous.  Once I got my ego out of the way, I started seeing how my being wrong was impacting so many people on so many different levels and I began to want it exposed.


Wanting to be right was about me.  Wanting to know that I was wrong was about you.




Maybe that is the first step towards being a servant, a real servant.  After all, our ability to do good is only effective if we know enough about our bad to get it out of the way.  We have to see that bad, and we have to hate it without hating ourselves.


I love myself, but I haven’t always.  I want to be a safe person someday, because I love myself.  I want to find out absolutely every one of my faults so that they can be dealt with — not the stuff people think is wrong with me, but the stuff that really is wrong with me, the deep stuff that people can’t even see — the deep stuff that makes the shallow stuff happen.


It isn’t enough to want our wrongs exposed for the sake of others,  but also for our own sake, so that we can walk as people of integrity.  Not as people who think they are right, but as people who know when they are wrong and do something about it.