Nation of Priests IV: The Initiation of a Nation

mysterionSo on Sunday I was preparing for Context for Kids Episode #19, Terumah, when I saw something in the text that I hadn’t seen before. Of course, that’s how it goes when you study Ancient Near Eastern context. A bit of random context will pop into your mind in an unexpected place. It changed what I decided to teach, and then a sinus infection popped up and now I am trying to get rid of my sniffles so that I can record without grossing everyone out.

Greco-Roman times saw the rise in popularity (but not the origins) of what were called “mystery” religions, Mithraism being the most famous, but there were many other non-exclusive voluntary mystery associations in the ancient world (meaning they didn’t compete with each other, you could belong to none, one or many). They were, more than anything, simply clubs designed for the purpose of keeping this or that deity happy and the cosmos, therefore, functioning better. We get our word “mystery” from the Greek “mysterion” – not simply meaning something that we do not know, like the identity of the murderer in an Agatha Christie novel, but instead a divine secret or relationship that one is initiated into and therefore available only to initiates. We see it used twenty-seven times in the First Century Writings, as well as twenty-five times in the late date LXX (Septuagint) books – Daniel, Enoch, Sirach, and the other wisdom and apocryphal books that came to be within the 500 – 600 years before Messiah when Babylonian and Assyrian influences were at their peak and which were then translated into Greek in the few centuries before Messiah.

Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers: a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written, (1)

Here we see Paul very clearly using mystery religion language – something that would have been very familiar to his audience, but then he does something interesting, he shares it with them as though they were all elite initiates. He is telling them something that is a mysterion, in an open letter, something that would probably never have occurred in an actual mysterion.

Of course, all Ancient Near Eastern religions were, to some extent, mysterious. Laymen simply did not know what went on within the cult of the major Temples. Priests were initiated into esoteric knowledge and a special relationship which was quite easy to keep a secret because so very few people were literate – as was the case in Egypt. In many ANE cultures (Mesopotamia and Syria in particular), even kings were illiterate (2) and therefore relied on the integrity of their priests and scribes (not to be confused with first century Jewish scribes). Kings didn’t necessarily need to read, evidently! They had people for that! They could write down their secrets and it didn’t even matter in those days because, first, they kept them within the Temples where no one else could get to them and second, almost no one could read. Fortunately, in the ANE, they often recorded them on baked tablets which have been uncovered and have given us volumes of information within the last 100 to 150 years – completely changing what we thought we knew and relegating much “common knowledge” to the status of urban legends. It’s an exciting time to be alive and studying such things.

So what made the Hebrew religion different? Why did I write this under the heading of “A Nation of Priests?” Very simply put, initiates to a mystery religion were privy to knowledge that normal people couldn’t and didn’t know. Not only does one, in a mystery cult, have to be initiated into the mystery, but they often have to be initiated into greater mysteries at higher levels. Mormonism and Masonry are two excellent examples of modern mysterion. They won’t tell outsiders much of anything, and the knowledge that the higher ups have is not the same as what they are teaching newcomers.

Judaism, on the other hand, as well as Christianity, are decidedly not mysterion religions. Well, of course there are some aberrant cults under the umbrella of Judeo-Christian religion but in general you can learn everything you want about them from the outside. There are no mysterion, no divine secrets for initiates. In Romans 11, Paul is speaking in metaphoric language – comparing the believers to mysterion insiders because as we see in the Torah – God had Moses spell out the details of what would be going on within the Tabernacle to everyone. Unlike every other religion on earth at that time, the knowledge of the workings of the Temple were not reserved for the literal priests – in that way, everyone in the nation was treated as though they were priests and privy to what would be esoteric knowledge in other cultures.

Do you see now why it was a commandment for Torah to be read, out loud, once every seven years to everyone? NO SECRETS.

The Israelites knew that God wasn’t actually eating the sacrifice or the shewbread as pagan gods were thought to do – because He told them exactly what was happening. They knew there was no idol in the Holy of Holies because He told them so. They knew there were no secret incantations because they were told what the priests were in there doing – and the priests did the majority of their work in full view of the people. The workings of the Tabernacle/Temple were not shrouded in mystery – God was treating the nation like priests in allowing them the knowledge of the inner workings of His Divine Palace, the Tabernacle.

Because of this, there are thousands of books about YHVH, His worship, His Tabernacle/Temple and His Word and we are left with almost nothing concrete about the Mithras cult. YHVH doesn’t play around with initiation into mysterion – you can know what you are getting into when you enter into covenant with Him. You don’t keep going up in levels and all of a sudden discover something horrible. This isn’t the induction into a frat house where they blindfold you and humiliate you – as they did in the Mithras cult.

“For other initiatory rites we depend primarily on the fresco scenes in the mithraeum at S. Maria Capua Vetere. These depict usually a triad of figures: the initiates, small, naked, humiliated; and two initiators, one behind and the other in front of the initiates, manipulating the instruments of initiations.” (3)

Through the Scriptures, we can know more information about YHVH than we could adequately explore in a lifetime. But in a mysterion like Mithraism, we are limited to external references by non-cult members to their worshiping in caves or rooms decorated to look like caves, we know that they had no bishops or centralized authority but were simply local groups, we know that Roman Mithras sprang full grown from a rock that served as his mother, we know he killed a bull, we know that he dressed like a Persian even though he had almost nothing else in common with the Persian Mithras, and we know that he ate said bull with Sol, the Sun God (despite the fact that he was also presumably Sol himself ) while sitting on the hide of the bull. (3) We know his festival was celebrated in October. (4) The problem is that, unlike the Bible, which spelled things out for the benefit of the layman, giving him a sort of honorary priestly status, we have no existing writings from any person who was a Mithraicist about Mithraism. Either they never survived or people took this mysterion thing pretty seriously – mysterion is for insiders, not outsiders! What we think we know, is just that, we think we know it. We can look at artwork and excavated Mithraeum (meeting places) and make educated assumptions. We can look at the very few inscriptions and see that this or that person was an initiate. This informational vacuum has resulted in a great many modern myths having sprung up.

What happened in the Mithras cave stayed in the Mithras cave.

What happened in the Temple, on the other hand, was completely above-board and knowable to anyone. God didn’t want there to be any mistaking His worship for any of the mysterion, He wanted it known exactly what was going on with no room for whisperings of secret rituals. He wanted people thousands of years later to still have access to that information.

This is a really quick article on some of the aspects of the Mithraic mysterion by Roger Beck, who is probably the world’s most balanced expert. Although I disagree with him in his assessment of the meaning of Judaic sacrifice as well as “Christian” baptism (which of course isn’t Christian at all but Jewish) his emphasis is on Roman studies and that is where he needs to be evaluated and considered an expert. He is very methodical. I encourage you to take a look at the other links I have provided below, the Mithraism article in particular is incredibly well documented and can give some direction on deeper study with some legitimate sources. Beck has also written a book about Mithraism – The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire: Mysteries of the Unconquered Sun. It is very scholarly, not an easy read but the articles I have provided below are very good. Mystery religions are a valuable study in showing us how different the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is than the other gods in the Ancient Near East and First Century.

(1) The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2001). (Ro 11:25–26). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.

(2) Amanda H Podany, Brotherhood of Kings: How International Relations Shaped the Ancient Near East, p 71

(3) Roger Beck, Mithraism

(4) Stephen Hijmans, Usener’s Christmas: A Contribution to the Modern Construct of Late Antique Solar Syncretism

Setting the Record Straight About Christianity

Reality-Check2How many times am I going to continue to be running in to this?

The notion that Christians serve Satan is grounded in elitism and ignorance –

Christians keep the overwhelming majority of Torah that can be kept, did you know that? 58% cannot be kept without a standing temple, they keep 28% (out of the remaining 42%–so that puts mainstream Christians keeping 67% of what can be kept today) of the Law, and even your most die-hard Messianics ONLY KEEP 8% MORE (and no Messianic or Jew keeps quite the sizable portion of what could conceivably still be kept). They believe that the Bible is true. They believe that YHVH created the world and all that is in it. They believe that the Word of God (regardless of what name they use) became flesh, through a divine birth, lived a perfect life, died, was resurrected, and ascended to the Father. They take care of the weightier matters of Torah that many Messianics completely neglect while they are straining at gnats and clapping themselves on the back for keeping whatever “one true calendar” and “one true pronunciation” they have adopted. Christians care for the widows, orphans, poor, oppressed, sick. They build hospitals, orphanages, adopt special needs and abandoned children, picket abortion clinics, work to change corrupt laws, feed the homeless, work to end the sex trade, spread the gospel, and a whole bunch of other things while their detractors sit on Facebook doing nothing but slandering them for eating pork, not keeping Sabbath and the feasts–conducting their own “ministry” of posting internet memes and insulting remarks for the amusement of people who already agree with them. Well frankly, the overwhelming majority of Christians do what they do out of ignorance because they have been taught since childhood to equate the keeping of the law with falling from grace and not loving Messiah–and that should evoke our compassion and prayers and not our contempt. But what too many Messianics and Hebrew Roots do, as they sit at home and argue and bicker and insult while neglecting the weightier matters of righteousness and justice (which historically were always tied with caring for the “least of these”), just boils down to bad fruit. And I speak as a person who used to do just that but I praise YHVH that He slapped me down hard and changed my heart.

If Torah does not make us more compassionate, less prideful, less divisive and condemning, then we are not “keeping” it–we are looking at it as though it is a mirror and turning our faces away so as to forget what we look like (James 1:23). Like it or not, Christians are our brothers and sisters, in Covenant with YHVH through the blood of Yeshua/Jesus–no different than the Israelites of old. They may be wrong in some areas, but from what I have seen, there is plenty of self-deception and self-righteousness to go around and we are all in the thick of it. Torah didn’t change my heart sixteen years ago–my heavenly Father did, and then He compassionately opened my eyes to Torah when I wasn’t even looking for it. I am no better than any pork and shellfish-eating, Sunday-keeping, Christmas and Easter-observing person, and in fact, I am far worse than many of them. What I am is blessed with the revelation of Torah, which was delivered to me out of pure mercy and compassion when I wasn’t doing anything to deserve it–quite the contrary. I don’t accept Torah because I am more faithful or obedient, I accept it because it was revealed to me. And because of that, I am unable to wag a finger at anyone. It wasn’t my excellence that moved YHVH to bless me with a love of the constitution of His Kingdom, it was the attribute of His mercy poured out into my undeserving mess of a life. But I don’t serve a different God than I did as a Christian, I simply know better how to serve the God I already knew. But if I don’t put it into practice alongside the weightier matters of serving the poor, vulnerable, widowed, orphaned, oppressed, etc–then I am just fooling myself because I have allowed the greatest commandments to fall by the wayside while I just strive to go to all the right parties, stay home from work on the right days, and eat the right things. Yeah, not really all that impressive in comparison, right?

I cited this excellent study by Rabbi Doug Friedman in my book The Bridge, it should cause us all to take down our pride a few notches.  <—-click to read

The sequel that just says no to the idea of the law being done away with–>Setting the Record Straight about the Spirit of the Law

Burning the Bridge Behind You — a Parable about Mercy and the Pursuit of Truth

I wrote this in February of 2013, but last week I heard a teaching that really brought this up in my mind again, so I am moving it over to the blog. Be sure to catch those teachings that I referenced at the end, they are life changing.


A man in a land of great darkness saw a bridge leading off over a chasm into an unseen land.  The slats of the bridge were the right size for a man’s foot and even though the first step was very dark indeed, it contained a bit of light so he placed his foot upon it.  The next step was perceptibly lighter, and in fact he realized that he could look ahead and see more and more light and less darkness.  It was hard leaving the comfortable familiarity of the darkness he knew, especially since his family remained back in the darkness, but the light was drawing him and so he continued, one step at a time, each time making the choice to leave some of the darkness behind and step into new light.  After some time, he became very impressed and puffed up with the amount of light he was walking in, and the amount of darkness he had trodden under his feet.  He stopped and turned around and much to his horror all he could see was a path of increasing darkness.  Facing backwards, he became contemptuous of that darkness and decided to focus his efforts on destroying it, ignoring the faint cries from those further on to turn around and keep going.  So he removed a lighter from his pocket and kindled a fire on the slats that had previously been behind him, thinking to exterminate the darkness he saw.  The fire quickly began consuming that ancient path that had led into the light, even destroying the guard rails.  The man delighted in the destruction of the darkness, never giving a thought to the people on the dark end of the chasm, or those further back on the path — or, to the fact that he was not yet safely to the other side of the chasm.  In his arrogance and contempt, he fell to destruction, never having reached his destination, and destroyed the path for many.


This is the tragedy of the Protestant Reformation, the Charismatic movement, the Hebrew Roots Movement, etc….


The darkness was the darkness the man was born into spiritually.  The bridge is the calling of YHVH out of that darkness through restoration in Yeshua Messiah, but he did not know them by those names at first, he knew God and Jesus.  The slats represent truth to walk in and lies to trample underfoot.  Step by step he went forward, coming more and more out of the darkness and into more and more light until the splendid awareness of his knowledge got the better of him and he turned his back on Elohim without even realizing it, in order to gaze upon darkness instead of upon the light.  Facing the wrong direction, he no longer had the perspective to see the mercy of a path growing ever more illuminated, but instead all he could see was a path getting darker.  Contempt filled his heart and he cared nothing for the people on what he perceived as a path of darkness, — he had no love for them, no compassion, but instead only impatience.  From his vantage point, he did not see the truth, that they were now on the path of light, and that he had turned away from that light and was now on the path of darkness.  He deceived himself into thinking he was destroying the path to sin, but in actuality he was destroying mercy — the message of the Torah and the Prophets, the slats and the guard rails of the bridge that is Messiah.  Having no mercy to stand on, he fell and took others with him, ignoring the cries of those further along down the road to repent and turn back to God.


It is human nature to believe we have arrived, to take our eyes off the prize and become more focused on the deception than on the truth.  We start out in such deception, “our fathers have inherited lies” (Jer 16:19) and we get a bit of truth and it is a great temptation to turn around and view those lies with contempt.  If that contempt is greater than our desire for truth, we will not turn back around.  There is a difference between glancing back over your shoulder to offer encouragement to those behind you and turning around and facing the opposite direction.  I see people completely derailed by the idea that it is their personal ministry to expose lies — in fact it’s all I ever see them do and they are out in droves on facebook.  They are so intent on burning the bridge (interesting that I wrote bride first) behind them that they forget that the point of the bridge is to lead someone out of falsehood — it is a step by step process, there are no shortcuts.  Lies must be personally confronted one by one — as King Josiah showed us, the idols had to be destroyed from the land one at a time.  As Joshua and Caleb showed us, the enemies must be killed or driven out one by one, town by town, and we don’t dare turn around like Lot’s wife because when we focus on the deception, on the sin, on what is behind us, forgetting to press on in endurance, it is then that we are overcome.


So you know the Name of Yeshua and YHVH, you know some Torah, you’re Spirit baptized, you know the Gospel that Messiah preached, you know the book of Revelation — do not become so impressed with these things that you stop striving forward.  Going forward takes far more humility and love than turning around with a sneer on your face.  As you go forward, call an encouraging word over your shoulder so that people in darkness can hear and find the path, but don’t think you can stand your ground, facing in the wrong direction, and do anything other than hold people up.  Do not dare to trample upon the mercy given you (and that path IS the mercy of Elohim), do not dare destroy the path for others, do not dare despise the path!  You did not create the path, it is not yours to destroy.  No one gets to the other side of the chasm in this lifetime, and so we need to keep going forward.



Addendum:  This teaching came out last week, and I wish I had heard it years ago because I learned all this the hard way.  This teaching goes far beyond what I wrote myself —  September 6, 2014 — The Weightier Matters of Torah.  I would also recommend Rico Cortes’, Ryan White’s, and Daniel McGirr’s teachings on Righteousness and Justice at