Isaiah and the Messiah–Podcasts and Transcripts–Seventeen part series.
Stuck inside? Ever wanted to really study Isaiah 40-56 in-depth without having to spend an arm and a leg on commentaries?
Are you a listener? Well, I have over fourteen hours of podcasts for you.
Are you a reader? Well, I have the equivalent of a commentary written out for you–with all my sources cited in the first transcript if you are wanting to purchase the books I used.
And, as usual, it is completely free of charge. Now, if you want to download these via podbean or iTunes, you can do that at –which also links to my iTunes channel.
If you have ever been interested in all the references to the Messianic Servant in the gospels, I’ve got that. If you are frustrated by the anti-missionaries taking verses out of context to get people to deny Yeshua/Jesus, I cover that. And it won’t take you as long to listen as it took me to study out and record! Not by a long shot! What do you have to lose?
Part 1–Comfort my People! A Voice of One Crying in the Desert! (Is 40)
Part 2–Idolatry in Ancient Israel and During the Exile
Part 3–Be Silent Before Me! Present Your Case! The First Idol Polemic (Is 41)
Part 4–The Servant Comes/Blind and Deaf Israel (Is 42)
Part 5–Polytheism and the Law of Continuity–Apart From Me There is No Savior (Is 43)
Part 6–Is 44:1-23, Hab 2, Jer 10, and Christmas Trees?
Part 7–Cyrus the Messiah? (44:23-45:14)
Part 8–Salvation for the Nations and the Marduk/Nebo Smackdown (45:15-46:13)
Part 9–Babylon the Virgin Queen? (Is 47)
Part 10–Shema Israel! No Peace for the Wicked! (Is 48)
Part 11–The Servant Speaks! The Second Servant Song. (49:1-13)
Part 12–The First Zion Song (49:14-50:3)
Part 13–The Servant Speaks Again! (50:4-51:11)
Part 14–The Good News! Your God Reigns! (51:2-52:12)
Part 15–The Suffering Servant Song (Is 52:13-53:13)
Part 16–The Third Zion Song–Your Husband Reigns! (Is 54)
Part 17–The Everlasting Covenant and Good News for the Outcasts (Is 55-56:8)