Miracles, Dust-Shaking, and Paul: Voice in the Ancient World Video Series

At some point, I will follow this up with a teaching in writing but as for now you will have to make due with the two videos I put up on youtube.

Understanding the ancient dynamic of “voice” – namely, who had the authority to speak and where and when and what about — in the ancient world is a real paradigm buster. Tune in to learn about the purpose of miracles and why some prophets worked them and others did not. Why were miracles commonplace as long as the Church was an outsider organization? What changed? Exactly what was the function of miracles in the early church? You might be very surprised.

Part 1: Miracles and Voice in the Ancient World

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9AMhiVi3ps?feature=oembed&w=1080&h=608]

Part 2: Dust-shaking and Paul’s “bragging”

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JvTc9iCMJQ?feature=oembed&w=1080&h=608]