The Temple Revealed in the Garden: Priests and Kings

I am eternally grateful to have friends who can do things that I can’t do – like writing about the Temple patterns scattered from Genesis to Revelation from a very Messianic Jewish point of view. Now, don’t let world-renowned artist Robin Hanley’s beautiful cover artwork give you the wrong impression that Dr. Dinah Dye has written a treatise about flat earth, quite the contrary. As in Volume one, The Temple Revealed in Creation, Dr. Dye delves deeply into ancient cosmological imagery (the way ancient people saw the universe) in order to open our eyes to how the first few chapters of Genesis would have been understood by the authors themselves. To call the information itself life-changing is an understatement because she goes way beyond facts and data and presents us with short fictional Midrashic vignettes, fictional little “what if” stories meant not to lay down an alternative account of what happened in the Garden, but instead to put us more into the shoes of the original ancient Near Eastern audience.

Volume two, her long-awaited sequel, delves into the ancient role of the High Priesthood of Adam in the Garden – linking him securely to the final Adam, Jesus Christ (Yeshua the Messiah in Hebrew). Click here to order.

Dinah is a wonderful teacher and author. Really, she teaches like a woman in the best way – imparting wisdom and knowledge in a warm, vibrant and approachable way. She cares about the reader, but most of all, she cares about getting one of God’s main thematic messages across – namely, how we can see His Temple and His Messiah from the very beginning, encoded in the very Jewish literary forms in which the Scriptures were written. I highly recommend both this book, as well as her first volume – and really, you want to read them both for maximum effect. Her teaching website is and her new and improved ROKU channel will be up and available soon.