WIT-Talmidim Teachers – *FREE* July 8, 2015 8pm EST – Citizens of the Kingdom

wit-newWe’re back! Ryan White is going to summarize his incredible new teaching: Citizens of the Kingdom on our youtube channel on July 8, at 8pm CST.

Israel has been the vehicle of God’s salvation for mankind since Abraham came into covenant with Elohim.  The Tanakh is filled with prophecies of the regathering not only of the whole house of Israel, but also the inclusion of the Gentiles/nations into the Kingdom.  The question is, do they remain Gentiles when they are joined to the Kingdom or do they gain full citizenship?  Are they supposed to be treated like second class citizens?  We are going to examine the evidence from the Tanakh, the Brit Chadashah, and from early rabbinical writings to see if those who believe in Yeshua and keep the commandments of Elohim should be separated into the groups of Jew and Gentile, if there is any benefit to converting to Judaism in order to attain “Jewish” status today, and also which commandments the believers in Yeshua should be keeping.

Here is the power point he will be using:  http://rooted-in-torah.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Citizens-of-the-Kingdom.pdf





And if you have my new book, King, Kingdom, Citizen: His Reign and Our Identity, I will be covering some of the information from the fourth section, Citizen, as well.
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